
Celebrating the unsung heroes of our industry

CIOB Awards 2025
Barry Kingscote MCIOB with June Sarpong OBE and CIOB president Sandi Rhys Jones. Members are encouraged to enter for CIOB Awards 2025

Caroline Gumble encourages members to put forward the industry’s pioneers and innovators for next year’s CIOB Awards.

Last month’s column was inspired by hearing one of our longstanding members, Saul Humphrey FCIOB, addressing students with a call to live your values and raise the importance of sustainability in construction whenever you can. So it was no surprise to me when, a couple of weeks later, he was named winner of CIOB’s Sustainability Award.

Readers of CM will already know from the May issue that Barry Kingscote MCIOB was a winner in the commercial category of Construction Manager of the Year. With barely time to return to his seat, he was then called back to the stage to claim the title of Construction Manager of the Year 2024.

We had equally accomplished and worthy winners in the other categories and I want to say congratulations again to all of them.

At the time of writing, I am still feeling inspired and energised by the CIOB Awards celebration evening, where more than 600 people joined us to watch some outstanding construction professionals get recognised for their achievements.

While many winners might still be feeling the momentum and motivation from such a wonderful event, I am delighted to announce we are about to go live with opening nominations for the 2025 awards.

CIOB Awards 2025

This 1 June will see the official opening of the CIOB Awards 2025 and I want to urge readers to consider nominating someone.

We all know there are some amazing people in our industry, doing extraordinary things, often on a tight deadline, with a limited budget and maybe even physical restrictions around their site. Those people deserve recognition and the best among them should have their stories shared as learning for us all.

Our awards have been a leading showcase for the best and the brightest in this important industry for more than 40 years now. With your help, next year will be no different and, once again, we will shine a light on some of the construction professionals who are unsung heroes but also leaders, innovators and even pioneers.

With the addition of new categories in recent years, sitting alongside our prestigious Construction Manager of the Year award, we have an excellent opportunity to recognise the broad church of disciplines that make up our industry. So please put people forward and give them a chance to join us next year as part of celebrating the construction community.

Caroline Gumble is CEO of CIOB.

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