North London football club Tottenham Hotspur would demolish the Olympic stadium if it wins the competitive bid to take it over after the 2012 games, Building and Building Design reported.
David Keirle, the stadium architect working for the club, said most of the Populous-designed stadium would be replaced because it was not suitable for football, as most of the seats too far from the pitch.
“It’s not entirely demolition. We will be using some of the undercroft, but we’re not using much,” said Keirle, who works for KSS Group, the firm which has already drawn up plans to remodel Spurs’ White Hart Lane ground, in conjunction with architect Make and US-based landscape architect Martha Schwartz.
But Keirle said that it would be simpler and cheaper to redevelop the Olympic stadium than remodel Tottenham’s existing ground at White Hart Lane.
The Olympic stadium, which was specifically designed for re-use and legacy, is now close to completion, Building Design reported.
Tottenham are up against east London rivals West Ham United to take over the stadium after the Games.
The Olympic Park Legacy Committee will recommend which club should take on the stadium by January 28. The decision will then be ratified by the mayor of London and the government.
The reports of Spur’s proposed demolition sparked fierce condemnation from online commentators. On the Building Design website Bob Tyrrell said: “This beggars belief. How many countries demolish their Olympic Stadiums after the games are over?”
In another comment to the report, Robert Klaschka said: “If ever there is a case for the ODA and the government to put their money where their mouth is and put sustainability first, this is it. I hear the argument that the sight lines aren’t good enough, but this is put in context when you hear that they are still better than at the new Wembley Stadium. If the club’s architects can’t produce a scheme for conversion of the stadium that has purposely been designed [for conversion], then they need to look at employing another architect.”
In another comment the plans were condemned as “an absolute disgrace”, while another reader asked, “is it April Fool’s day already?”.
yes, why worry?
Let it become another expensive white elephant after the Olympics or even better let WHU have their plans to remodel it used and install video screens so that the crowd can see the football on the pitch.
25K room at Crystal Palace not enough for athletics? You must be joking? How many 25k crowds do you get ourt of the olympics.