
Revenue clamp down on construction self employment

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  1. Having worked within the construction industry for over 30 years, worked as PAYE and self-employed have this issue to raise: –
    People working in the UK should be entitled to the same employment rules, regulations and safeguards as any and every employee working in the UK.
    To often employers only offer short term contracts or minimum hours of employment to suit their needs, however does not suit the needs of the individual on earning a weekly wage.
    It seems that the industry has not changed from the days when construction workers where classed as casual labour and where unable to obtain a mortgage or loans.
    Whiles I can appreciate that construction companies inherently are not involved in long term projects and therefore unable to forecast more than probably two to three years in advance I believe it is the Government responsibility to have in place long term construction projects throughout the UK not just in London, continuous employment policies and economical stability in long term goals which would both encourage employers to employ staff as PAYE whiles ensuring confidence in the UK market so private investors are also encourage to invest in the construction industry long term.

  2. Hooray, it’s about time agencies were clamped down on. I wish they’d ban Agencies(Pimps) full stop. Most self employed rates they pay now are almost the same as paye with-out any benefits at all. I realize we are in a recession but the agency rates have been stagnant/ falling for the past 8 years. Qualified trades now actually end up with less than minimum wage by the time the expenses are taking out. But you are still expected to supply vans, tools all fuel and traveling time/costs for free etc. Why can’t construction companies employ labour direct like every other industry, instead of agencies taking a slice.

  3. I am so plesed to read this, although I have never heard the term “false self-employment” before. The agency I work through have been pestering me for years to go self-employed but I have stood my ground and stayed PAYE. They tell you that you will get more money, but they don’t tell you the disadvantages. My decision to stay PAYE has been vindicated since I have been unemployed for 4 months and been able to claim contributions-based Job Seekers Allowance, a benefit not available to the self-employed.

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