A stop motion animation depicting tiny Lego construction workers building the letters CIOB out of various materials, set to Schwab’s The Mole Man track, has taken top spot in this year’s International Construction Manager Day competition.
The one-and-a-half-minute long animation, called Building the CIOB, was produced by student Jonathan Hutton, a talented, but enigmatic contributor who sadly didn’t include contact details with his submission. The Institute is currently trying to track Jonathan down to issue him with his prize, a Nexus 7 tablet computer.
International Construction Management Day took place on 10 March and the competition invited anyone with an interest in design and construction to find an interesting and imaginative way to spell out the letters CIOB in Lego, illustration, videos or photographs, or even 3D models built in Minecraft.
The CIOB received 44 entries in total, 29 on Facebook and 15 on Twitter, which ranged from the impressive to the downright disturbing.
A colourful short looping animation produced by @Ellie in Vine shows the letters CIOB pop up on a rotating tower crane. Several submissions built the letters digitally in Minecraft, one depicting CIOB as a series of brick islands, another incorporating it into a scaled down version of Central London showing Big Ben and Tower Bridge. Also impressive was an image of CIOB assembled using colourful origami letters and one using light painting photography techniques.
More low-tech entries included photos of the letters built in Lego and, less impressively, one written in a bowl of soup and one arranged on the floor out of cat biscuits!
All entries will be uploaded to the International Construction Management Day website before the end of the week.
On International Construction Management Day, construction and project management bodies across the world acknowledge the important work done by construction managers. Last year, the CIOB celebrated ICM Day by building a Lego version of Tower Bridge using more than 4,000 pieces.

Kerry McKay’s entry: Back to Basics Construction…

… Jordan Jones went all science fiction …

… and Milo Blanc produced this in Minecraft