
New releases from the CIOB Academy

CIOB Academy new releases

The CIOB Academy has issued a new technical information sheet, Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment, as well as an updated code of practice.

The sheet outlines what embodied carbon is and why is it important, detailing the regulatory context with models and standards.

It explains approaches to calculating embodied carbon and highlights the importance of engaging the supply chain, including the role of clients and the use of clauses to propel requirements down the value chain.

It explores benchmarking, target setting and practical strategies for reducing embodied carbon. Case studies are provided.

CIOB has also updated its Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment. This sixth edition includes new technologies, internationalisation and changes to legislation.

Members can access technical information sheets free and receive a 20% discount
on codes and guides. Discount codes are found in the members’ portal at

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