
New heat pump guidance for large buildings

CIBSE and BEIS have published guidance for heat pump installation in large non-commercial buildings (Image: Dreamstime)
CIBSE and BEIS have published guidance for heat pump installation in large non-commercial buildings (Image: Dreamstime)

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and government have launched guidance on heat pumps for large non-domestic buildings.

The guidance, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), is free for designers, contractors and consumers.

AM17 Heat pump installations for large non-domestic buildings aims to offer guidance on how to install heat pumps safely, legally and to a high quality.

Arup’s role

Arup has worked as technical author under the direction of the CIBSE technical team supported by a steering group. The steering group comprises industry stakeholders and representatives including developers, landlords, occupiers, designers, installers, operators, manufacturers, and other specialists.

Mike Edwards, associate director at Arup, said: “Heat pumps will play a crucial role in the UK’s net-zero carbon transition. We are very pleased to have led the authoring of this best practice guidance, continuing our strong working relationship with CIBSE and other industry partners.

“Arup has been designing heat pump systems for large non-domestic buildings for several years. It serves developments from Lord’s Cricket Ground to our own London offices. Our in-depth knowledge of these systems, alongside collaboration with CIBSE, BEIS and the project steering group who have experience of their real-world design, manufacture, installation and operation, has informed our authoring of AM17.”

Free download

Dr Hywel Davies, technical director of CIBSE added: “We are delighted to launch this important guidance. It aligns with our drive to link knowledge development and best practice to support the technical improvement and through-life performance of low-carbon commercial and industrial buildings.”

AM17 is available as a free download from the CIBSE website Knowledge portal.

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