The National Access & Scaffolding Federation (NASC) has updated and expanded its online TG20 eGuide to scaffolding compliance.
TG20 provides definitive guidance for scaffolding constructed with tube and fittings throughout the UK. TG20 comprises four elements: the Operational Guide, the Design Guide, the User Guide and the NASC’s eGuide software.
The newly updated eGuide, called TG20:21, includes the associated and updated Operational and Design Guides and can now be accessed via the NASC ePortal. The updated User Guide booklet will be published in May and printed versions of the Operational and Design guides will follow.
TG20:21 builds on the TG20:13 eGuide software, with a number of revisions and additions to make the process of producing a compliant scaffold even simpler. Additions include exterior birdcages, tube and fitting mobile towers, tube and fitting loading bays without beams and tied independent scaffolds with three inside boards.
The TG20 compliance sheet is now double-sided, with the illustration and principal compliance criteria on the front side and the detailed compliance criteria listed on the reverse in landscape format.
New subscriptions and subscriptions renews and be purchased from the NASC website shop. An itemised price list is available here.
In accessing TG20:21 via the NASC ePortal, users agree to abide by the Subscription Agreement.