
Low Carbon Construction report: recommendations in full

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  1. The IGT report on Low Carbon Construction is a thorough and well-considered report covering a vast range of topics and recommendations.
    When it comes to tackling the carbon emissions from the existing housing stock, Paul Morrell has always been very clear in his view – and it’s one we share – that the domestic RMI industry still has some work to do before it will be ready to serve the many millions of households which we hope will take advantage of the Green Deal.
    We all acknowledge that consumer protection MUST be prioritised. The reputation of the industry is still blighted by a small group of rogue traders who cost UK homeowners £1.5 billion a year – that’s a staggering £17,123 every hour – and the Green Deal will certainly look like a lucrative hunting ground for these predators.
    But we don’t need to completely reinvent the wheel here. We need to collaborate and share the knowledge and practical experience we have, and we need to learn from it. TrustMark is still the only organisation to require on-site inspections to check workmanship, and we now have the largest database of accredited tradespeople in the UK. We know that our standards do make a difference to the quality of service provided to the public. TrustMark IS working. More than 300,000 searches are made on our website every month as people look for a tradesman they can trust.
    We are an eager member of the Ministerial advisory group looking at the accreditation standards for installers and what this means for consumer protection. We will contribute our practical experience of what works and what doesn’t, and we can offer the combined knowledge of building industry scheme operators and consumer groups who have worked together under the auspices of TrustMark for five years. I am confident that the industry can find very sensible and effective solutions to many of the new issues we will face in a low carbon construction future.

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