
German commission scrutinises major problem contracts – including Berlin spy HQ

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  1. It is common in most countries, be they developed or developing, where cost of public funded projects tend to escalate substantially. The reasons are simple:
    [a] Construction Projects are awarded by politicians on the advice of their experts who generally are perceived to have little knowledge relevant to pricing strategies and frequent changes due to poor planning.
    [b] Those responsible are rarely held liable for their poor financial performance and may even be rewarded with promotions.
    [c] A common perception that public funded projects are awarded and priced where there could be elements of corruption and frauds followed by mismanagement.
    [d] If the high cost becomes public then it is perceived to be ‘covered-up’ be establishment of committees who rarely finish their reports and the findings if ever given, ever implemented as those responsible may have resigned or removed or may have died.
    Government do not have ‘Budgets’ but only PAYMENTS AND RECEIPTS and are not subject to any standards.

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