1. What is it?
“Spotlight on… cycle safety” aims to raise awareness of the issue of cycle safety and to share best practice with the industry. A new section on the CCS’s website has been created to act as a central hub for the industry to visit in the first instance to find out how they can promote safer cycling.
2. Support a cycle safety campaign
There are many cycling safety campaigns throughout the UK, each designed to raise awareness of the dangers of cycling on public roads. These campaigns provide information, resources and advice on cycle safety and ways of taking action to prevent accidents. Use the CCS website to find campaigns and get in contact with one to discuss with them initiatives or events to promote safer cycling.
3. Educate site staff
Talk to everyone involved with the site, including visitors and those who deliver, to make them aware of the issue and how they can promote safer cycling. Sites could distribute information on local and national initiatives through toolbox talks, inductions or posters located around the site. You could also work with a cycling group in your local community so both parties can discuss the challenges each faces when using public roads.
4. Share best practice
The CCS website contains a small selection of examples of good practice that have been witnessed by the scheme’s monitors and which are designed to help construction sites minimise the risks to cyclists. Speak with your organisation to find out if other sites have implemented any cycle safety initiatives which you may be able to follow, or think of an innovative idea you could share with others.
5. Everyone can play a part
All construction sites, no matter how big or small, can play a part in helping to raise awareness and reducing the number of construction-related accidents. With cycling deaths hitting a five-year high in 2012, the industry needs to continue considering how its activities may impact on cyclists.
Please visit www.ccscheme.org.uk for more information
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