Crystal Palace FC in London has won planning permission for updates in the design to its proposed new Main Stand at its Selhurst Park stadium.
The club originally won planning permission for the stadium expansion from Croydon councillors four years ago. But the Covid-19 pandemic delayed the scheme and the club recently submitted minor adjustments to adhere to new London Plan requirements.
The new design, which pays homage to Crystal Palace’s original home on Sydenham Hill, will increase stadium capacity from 26,000 to more than 34,000. Selhurst Park has been home to the club since 1924.
Fire engineer’s advice
The changes to the planning application involve design alterations following advice from a fire engineer, with alterations to the position of doors and stair/lift cores. It will also see the provision of an additional evacuation lift and additional partitions to separate lobbies.
In addition, the designs involve minor external changes to the west elevation to reflect the revised positioning of entrances at ground floor, following advice from a fire engineer.
The club said that once it has received formal approval of planning permission, it will be able to agree plans to acquire six houses in Wooderson Close and the relocation of residents. And to conclude discussions with Sainsbury’s to acquire a piece of land required for the development.
Crystal Palace chairman Steve Parish said: “I would like to thank Croydon Council for their continued support for the stadium redevelopment, which will bring substantial investment into the borough, as well as breathing new life into Selhurst Park.
“We would have liked to have started the project sooner, but our plans were delayed by financial constraints caused by the Covid pandemic. In the last couple of years our focus has been on bringing our exciting Academy development to fruition, but our attention will now turn to the stadium project.”