CIOB Academy’s professional development resources have helped over 35,000 professionals in the industry gain qualifications, improve their practical skills and work towards chartered membership.
Whether you’re new to construction or a seasoned pro, it holds the resources to support career growth across a whole career journey.
CIOB produces excellent educational content, all conveniently housed on the CIOB Academy website and expertly tailored for our members and the construction sector. We are delighted to announce that there are also invaluable opportunities for organisations to showcase their expertise within the built environment.
We are looking for content in various forms – such as webinars, industry papers and contributions to the Academy Zones.
The CIOB Academy website can be a platform to establish your organisation as an authority in its field, showcasing your alignment with CIOB core values of modern professionalism in construction. As well as demonstrating that you are an expert in your area, it will enhance your visibility to global built environment professionals.
Industry webinars
We can host an educational webinar created by you, such as a live or pre-recorded webinar, or alternatively we can work in partnership to create content. We will promote this through
our key communication channels, such as social media and e-comms.
Industry papers
These six-to-10-page papers focus on a specific industry subject or theme. Authored and presented under your brand, they showcase your organisation as a leading industry specialist on topics such as current trends, developments in the built environment, regulations and industry best practice – including examples or, where possible, case studies.
These are housed as an industry paper on the CIOB Technical Publications page of the CIOB Academy website for a minimum of 12 months.
CIOB Academy Zones
Our Environmental Sustainability Zone and Innovation Zone are the virtual places to accommodate a selection of up to 20 pieces of your organisation’s educational content per year – including webinars, thought leadership papers, case studies and blogs. Site users are directed to content via newsletters, dotmailers and social media.
Further information
CIOB Academy is committed to providing learning content for members and industry. Prior to commencement on the above activities the topic and content will be agreed in advance with CIOB. Final content and edits will be subject to a peer review to ensure that the content is educational and factual. Please note costs apply to these activities.
For further information on the opportunities mentioned above please email [email protected]. The CIOB Academy website can be found at ciob.academy.org.