
Construction boards need better gender-balance, urges Lowe

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  1. What is the colour of the sky on this woman’s planet?
    Forget the large contractors where the directors are every bit employees. Does she not realise that the majority of the companies involved in construction are small, ofter family-led entities, where the directors are involved in the day-to-day operation of the companies, without the luxury of outside non-executive Directors who place an unnecessary and unsustainable drain on the Company’s resources.
    What the Industry needs is a diminution in red tape, ignorant interference, usually Guardianista-led, politically-inspired, and a return to proper apprenticeship training.
    Apprenticeships began to decline in the ’70s when the Big Boys, in an effort to appease the then powerful Unions, agreed to shorter apprenticeships, and an apprentice starting at 45% of an Operative’s rate.
    This was disaster for the Industry, resulting in the drastic loss of Trade Skills which we are left with and the massive trend toward ‘Brass-Plate’ companies who don’t train, don’t have yards or workshops.
    Until we as an Industry come to terms with this, and press for a review of legislation, and more importantly, Industry thinking, we shall continue in this sorry state of affairs.
    Luckily CIOB still have an apprenticeship progression to Chartered Status, but the other major institutes, or should I say Institutions, have moved towards Honours Degree entry.


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