Chris Blythe: Giving them a nudge
The CIOB’s 39,000 members are being consulted on plans to drop the incorporated membership grade as part of the Institute’s modernisation strategy.
A quarter of the CIOB’s members are currently ICIOB, which is the level graduates can reach before going on to full chartered status of MCIOB or FCIOB.
CIOB chief executive Chris Blythe said the changes were being proposed for a number of reasons. “ICIOB was only ever meant to be a transitionary membership level,” he said. “But at the moment we are finding too many members are sticking at the non-chartered incorporated status rather than going on to do the full professional review and getting full chartered status.”
“The CIOB’s view is that we want to see the members being the best they can be,” added Blythe. “Those that eventually get round to doing it say they wished they had gone for it earlier. This way if they can’t use any letters after their name until they become MCIOB it gives them a nudge.
“Also, incorporated creates a language issue – it’s confusing, particularly overseas,” he said.
Blythe said there was no specific timescale against phasing out the member grade but five years was being considered.
He added that there were no plans to abolish the associated membership, so there would still be an option for those who did not have the educational requirements to achieve full chartered status. “The shake-up of the grading structure is part of our modern process to create better value for the membership,” he said.
The CIOB announced far-reaching plans in January this year to modernise the professional body, including dropping the professional review interview and giving formal credit to some development courses carried out by companies.
So far 80 responses have been received from the membership – but the proposal has been endorsed by the CIOB’s 80 strong membership forum which helped draw it up.
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I disagree with the last post. The institute does bother with its unemployed members, the benevolent fund saved me from losing my home. The benevolent fund is there for members who are desperate. I was a site manger and was unemployed for a long time so I know what its like to really struggle but I did ask the question when I had nowhere else to turn and they helped. But we only get out what we put in. They can’t give us a job either – it’s been very hard.
Anyone can do SMSTS but employers are looking for more than that.
I think losing ICIOB would be a good idea, just two categories and not some middle ground that I’ve never really understood myself
The institute should be setting an agreeable time frame as set for Associate level with a maximum time frame allowing staged membership and progression in manageable chunks for its members. I personally have worked hard to achieve ICIOB status, and disagree with the institute on the use of the designations after my name and the possible removal of such a key stage in progression..
I agree partially to the above responses but think that an allocated and more importantly achievable time scale to achieving all statuses would be good for all.
All of us have worked hard to achieving our status and being able to use the relevant designation as small as it may seem is of benefit to both the person and the awarding body.
Either way this needs some serious thought as this could be extremely positive or negative depending on the decision.
I totally agree with phasing out the ICIOB status unless members go on and achieve CIOB full status within a set period of time. The objective of the CIOB is promote excellence throughout the industry by members being chartered i.e professionals within their industry. The chartership scheme not only promotes the industry it states that you have achieved professional accreditation at the highest level and have been awarded your chartership by your peers who are duly obliged under the scheme to ensure the principles of chartership are upheld of being professional in all aspects of your career.
Can I get advice on upgrading my ICIOB status to MCIOB?
I think that people who have yet to upgrade are far more concerned with paying their mortgage and feeding their kids more than having letters after their name.
The CIOB does not show any interest or brotherhood to individuals who are currently unemployed, or those that are not fortunate to be employed by large well resourced companies.
Why should individuals be pressurised into gaining higher qualifications and status, if SMSTS is a more requested certificate, for the criteria of vacant site manager positions. This 5 day, impossible to fail course is the kingpin as far as recruitment agencies are concerned. Even though NEBOSH is recognised around the world it is not here, as again it’s never requested, whereas SMSTS is.
The institute needs to do more, promoting its unemployed members . It should refuse to post adverts from recruitment agencies,and encourage companies to post directly.
If they phase out ICIOB and don’t allow use of letters after your name, much like the RICS, I’m sure they will continue to collect your membership fee but not allow you to display your professional status
I agree with Chris Blythe CEO. Given that full time students get into the CIOB for free during education [at great cost to the CIOB membership], graduates should be encouraged to progress. Any designation should be dropped until M as it is confusing.
All the excuses are limp and weak and it devalues the efforts that we as members have put in in the past. Construction companies should do more to support the MCIOB and threir employees. As a professional chartered member for over 40 years – I conclude and recommend it is well worth the effort and Members please mentor the young grads through the local meetings.
I am always pleased to make a contribution to the benevolent fund and am just very grateful that I have not had to ask for support from the fund.
My grade of membership is ICIOB – just so that I have some connection with the CIOB.
When I have enquired about full membership I am told how much it will cost and what I have to do. As I do not feel like paying out more money from my taxed income I let the matter drop.
Maybe the CIOB could just simply advance all ICIOB members up to MCIOB without charge and on the basis of their experience or whatever. There will be some people who will need to be helped to reach the criteria.
I think phasing out ICIOB is the right thing to do and those members should be encouraged to proceed to chartered status. Ultimately it is down to individual motivation; I am ICIOB and for years i have been telling myself I have to do it – I just can’t seem to get past the thought process….