CIOB and CIAT members can now keep in touch with commercial and technical developments in their field around the world with the launch of a CIOB-run website, Global Construction Review.
The site is updated several times a week with the latest news for the international construction community, including corporate news, technical coverage, and updates on market sector.
A weekly email newsletter highlights the essential articles of the week. To receive it in their inbox, readers can enter their email address at the site –
For daily updates, Twitter users can follow @globalconreview

The site is managed by CM’s publisher Atom Publishing, and edited by Rod Sweet, a former editor of CM and icon, the Institute’s former quarterly magazine for overseas members.
Saul Townsend, communications manager at the CIOB, said: “We want to keep our members ahead of the game with insightful news and intelligent data so that GCR readers are armed to the teeth with information that helps them make informed decisions. It doesn’t pay lip service to international news -it is international news and we believe it’s one of kind.”
Rod Sweet said the site’s news coverage will be truly international, with no bias towards firms from the UK. “International construction used to mean contractors and consultants from the West doing projects in former colonies. Now the flow of money, services and ideas, and talent, is more complex.
“New markets are opening up, particularly in Africa, and central and southeast Asia, and the competition to meet demand there is fierce and coming from new and surprising quarters.
“All over the world construction is still a parochial industry, but that’s changing. We launched GCR to try and track developments in this fascinating space.
“We think it’ll be useful for individuals managing their careers, for business leaders trying to stay competitive, and for policy makers charged with delivering a built environment that works for everybody.”
Recent stories he highlights include
China sprinting past the USA as sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest trading partner – and builder of infrastructure
Bob Hope MCIOB taking over as CEO of one of Kuwait’s oldest design firms, SSH
Qatar looking at investing billions in UK infrastructure
Turkey throwing open its healthcare system to foreign finance and delivery