The BIM4SMEs working group is to draw in support from the CIOB and other professional institutions in the industry through a charter pledging them to provide practical support.
The charter will help the working group, which currently receives no funding, to plan a programme of events and initiatives.
“We’re nil-funded, so rather than trying to speak to eight separate organisations, a charter will bring everyone under the same umbrella,” said working group chairman Tim Platts FCIOB. “We’re saying, ‘can you help us administer events and help us help your SME members’.”
The group held its national launch in April, but is planning to hold two further launch events in Sheffield and Manchester on 24 and 25 September respectively.
Meanwhile, the CIOB is also to take on a general support role coordinating the work of BIM4SMEs and other BIM working groups linked to the Cabinet Office BIM Task Group.
“There has been a proliferation of groups, including the groups looking at Building Regs, the retail sector and FM, and each of them has a role in developing the greater picture,” said Platts.
“David Philp [BIM Task Group chair] doesn’t have the time to speak to all of the groups. So there has to be a more intelligent way of managing the groups in a more structured fashion so that none of them fall by the wayside.”
The CIOB is due to hold an away day this month with Platts, Philp and other partners in the BIM roll-out to find an efficient way of coordinating the working groups’ effort and output.