Building Saudi’s Red Sea high-end tourist giga-project | Canada: Land of opportunity | What clients really want

Building Saudi’s Red Sea high-end tourist giga-project

[01:04 ]From bare sand to a collection of 50 separate resorts with its own international airport on Saudi Arabia’s remote west coast, The Red Sea giga-project is a high-end tourism scheme like no other. We speak to Andrew Tyson, head of construction at Red Sea Global, who’s in charge of bringing it all together.

Canada: Land of opportunity

[11:30] Two CIOB members who upped sticks to find their fortunes in Canada tell us how they did it, and what it’s like.

Iain Thomas FCIOB is leading Ontario’s unprecedented, $18bn rail expansion, while Ken Smyth FCIOB is leading construction on a new RCMP headquarters in Burnaby, British Columbia.

What clients really want

[22:27] Institute Fellow Dr Claire Handby has more than 25 years’ experience helping construction clients in many sectors.

She discusses their top three priorities in getting their hospital, school, or office building built.

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