
Build UK issues clarification on fire safety standard update

Build UK has issued a statement after a BSI standard update caused confusion among its members.

In November, BSI published BS 9991:2024 Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings, which supersedes BS 9991:2015.

However, the latest version of the standard does not reference the transitional arrangements for amendments to Approved Document B.

“This has created some confusion for those preparing applications for Building Control approval and basing their fire safety designs on the recommendations made within BS 9991:2015,” Build UK said in a statement it circulated in the industry following queries from its members.

The Building Safety Regulator confirmed to Build UK that applications for Building Control approval for higher-risk buildings (HRBs) can refer to BS 9991:2015 and/or the latest version of the standard to support designs until further notice.

Applications for Building Control approval must demonstrate how they will meet the functional requirements of the Building Regulations 2010, which have not changed.

British Standards are voluntary standards providing further guidance and are not mandatory.

BSR confirmed that, in accordance with Regulation 7 of The Building (Higher-Risk Buildings Procedures) (England) Regulations 2023, it will assess applications for HRBs against the functional requirements of the Building Regulations 2010.

Non-HRB applications to Building Control bodies are expected to be treated in the same way.

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