Choi + Shine Architects has devised a way of making electricity pylons less of an eyesore.
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The Massachusetts practice’s “Land of Giants” project showcases towers that take the shape of humans in different positions, while “making only minor alterations to well established steel-framed tower design”.

The pylon-figures can be created in different poses with “appropriate gestures” depending on where they are in a landscape.
Choi + Shine’s website says: “As the carried electrical lines ascend a hill, the pylon-figures change posture, imitating a climbing person. Over long spans, the pylon-figure stretches to gain increased height, crouches for increased strength or strains under the weight of the wires.

“The pylon-figures can be placed in pairs, walking in the same direction or opposite directions, glancing at each other as they pass by or kneeling respectively.”
The figures were inspired by the Moai statues of Easter Island.

The project has won many awards and models have been exhibited at Yale University and London’s Victoria & Albert Museum.
The Giants were almost built three times, but unfortunately for the large civil project, there are many pieces of the project that have to be approved at many levels.
The first Giants are due to be built in Iceland in 2017.
Read the article at GCR