Illustration: Andy Lovell
The CIOB’s first contract for major projects is to be published in April following widespread consultation that has resulted in several refinements. The Complex Projects Contract (CPC 2013) has been geared to collaborative working, written in plain English, and is BIM-ready.
The contract has been drafted by PPCIOB Keith Pickavance, executive consultant at Hill International, his brother Roy Pickavance FCIOB, director of consultant DAQS and an expert in delay analysis, and Nick Lane, head of construction at solicitor Olswang.
Keith Pickavance called the contract “groundbreaking“ and said: “We received nearly 400 comments to the contract and a great deal of positive feedback and we’ve carried out a series of refinements rather than making any major changes.”
The starting point of the contract is that the construction programme takes centre stage. The client must appoint a project time manager to oversee it fairly and objectively; and the main contractor must provide the scheduling information to update it regularly. The programme also forms the basis for calculating interim payments and extensions of time accurately and objectively.
The approach draws on the Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Complex Projects, also authored by Keith Pickavance.
The contract comprises three documents: the Contract Agreement; the Conditions of Contract; and Contract Appendices. The Contract Agreement can be downloaded free of charge and edited to suit individual requirements.
Key amendments include:
- The First Edition obliges the Contractor to describe and obtain approval for its construction methodology (including any proposed variation to it), in order that it can carry out the Works required and so that it is properly reflected in the Working Schedule.
- The Contract now sets out how archaeological artefacts, fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, items of geological interest, or human remains found in existing structures, on the Site or on any access or right of way to the Site should be dealt with.
- The BIM provisions have been adjusted to be compatible with the recommendations of the UK BIM Task Force. As such, they now allow for a Federated Model and a separate BIM Protocol.
- To encourage interim extensions of time to be dealt with promptly, it is now the case that, unless the parties pre-agree the time and cost effect, any previous entitlement granted by the Contract Administrator on the basis of an estimate shall be increased or reduced in accordance with the subsequent accurate record of what actually occurred.
Introducing CPC 2013
Two events are planned for the launch of CPC 2013, with short presentations from the authors explaining key themes and features, and the major differences between this and other forms of contract.
23 April 2013 at 4pm at CIOB Headquarters, The White House, Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB.
25 April 2013 at 8.45am at Olswang LLP, 90 High Holborn, London WC1V 6XX.
Everyone attending will get a free copy of the Conditions, Appendices and User Notes.
To register for the events visit ciob.org.uk/cpc or contact Julie-Anne Gyton. Tel: 01344 630811, [email protected]
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