
What is your response to the fact there were no women in this year’s CMYA final?

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  1. The lack of women finalists is down to the fact that there were no entries from companies with women construction managers.

    In the past, those women who have been entered have done well not only becoming a finalist but being medal winners.
    At the CIOB we can only judge what is entered and the judge of who to enter are the employers by and large.

  2. It seems to me that the explanation why there were no women in CMYA finals could be blindingly simple ……… could it be that no female entrants were good enough?

  3. I’ve worked with very few women in construction. Of those, some were not very good at their jobs; others were excellent! Only a couple have been in the trades, the rest professionals.

    I think Lucynda has got the reason for their scarcity spot on! Despite today’s political correctness and drives towards “equality” what seems to have been forgotten is that there are fundamental psychological differences between the two genders which have evolved for the perpetuation of our species! Because of that, the vast majority of women aren’t interested in joining us in the construction industry. Even if there does seem to be a trend towards more of them joining us, I suspect they will still be in a very small minority. It’s us blokes what’s supposed to build the nest – then the women turn it into a home!

  4. It is a shame as being a project manager lead takes a lot of decision making and multi-tasking. It can be very rewarding and also incredibly challenging.

    It is a numbers game and perhaps also the nature of large projects, which means that project managers need to be away from home for extended periods is not as attractive.

  5. @Doug – unfortunately no women were nominated in the first place this year, so none went through the judging process.

  6. Some of us work incredibly hard on site but as CMYA focuses more on Project Managers being nominated and not Senior Site Managers all we can do is persevere with our roles, demonstrate that we have the skill and knowledge to be promoted and almost wait patiently until senior management or clients recognise what you bring to a project.and nominate a hard working female. Fingers crossed the future will bring change but a bit of support every now and again doesn’t cost a lot!

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