The CIOB has been working with Coleg Cambria in north Wales to raise the profile of the institute among students and employers. It will be holding CPD events at the college for the students, and also for CIOB members located in north Wales.
The college is applying to be a CIOB Accredited Centre, for its level 6 degree programme – Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management in Housebuilding – with the first cohort expected to graduate in July 2022.
The site has now created a dedicated place for all CPD events at the campus, encouraging staff and students to become Chartered with the CIOB, to enable events and training at the Coleg.
Gemma Booth, MCIOB and Liverpool Hub committee member, recently moved from construction into teaching and will be integrating CIOB student membership into her teaching modules and conveying what a professional career in construction means.
“Coleg Cambria is a CIOB TP and plans to develop the qualifications and skills of the existing workforce through the appropriate routes to Chartered Membership, promote a qualifications culture throughout the construction and built environment sectors, supported by industry and promote lifelong learning,” she says.
“Coleg Cambria has signed up to this to enable all the above for our staff as well as our students to have the opportunity to become Chartered.”