
We need to talk about BIM … or do we?

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  1. John, if I had to choose which article actually gives us hope for the future, it would be yours.

  2. OK, but ‘on the money’ or not, the article is hardly a revelation – it does not take a legal expert to flag up the long-standing problems that exist in the construction supply chain, or the challenges that face any attempt to do things better in our industry.

  3. l think everyone is over reacting. Owners and contractors ARE using BIM to get work done for free. But that is not due to BIM, it is just the normal greed that is entrenched in the building industry.
    But it is delusional to think that all that has to happen is that everyone works “collaboratively”. As the beauty queen said “I believe in world peace”.

  4. Unfortunately for the majority of clients and their projects Tony Bingham is right on the money

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