1. Get ready for new UK regulations…
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are considered the principle means for delivering improved water quality and removing pollutants from run-off. New regulations for England and Wales under Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, likely to be implemented from April 2014, will make some treatment as part of SuDS compulsory for new developments.
2. …and remember the EU directive
Developers and contractors may also need to provide additional surface water treatment measures in new projects in some areas as a requirement of the Environment Agency and/or local authorities, under the EU Water Framework Directive.
3. Access the full range
Specifiers can achieve buildable and affordable SuDS by specifying from a menu including natural features and manufactured pollutant-removal devices. Options include advanced vortex separators, which can enhance, protect or even replace more land-hungry natural features such as detention ponds, swales or wetland areas.
4. Keep up with best practice
Best practice examples of SuDS treatment in action are being shared via online knowledge hubs such as www.engineeringnaturesway.co.uk
5. Take the train
Water quality outcomes can be achieved by building a “treatment train” of manufactured devices and natural SuDS features. Key considerations depend on the site and ground conditions, available land, construction costs and future maintenance and adoption.
By Alex Stephenson, director of Hydro International’s UK Stormwater division. www.hydro-int.com/stormtrain
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