Industry experts and stakeholders gathered at Nottingham Trent University to address sustainable water management in new developments.
Joining CIOB in conversation were the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Landscape Institute (LI).
In a panel discussion chaired by Nottingham Hub chair Julia Allen, five panellists presented on sustainable water practices, emphasising the importance of collective expertise.
Abigail Milioto from Severn Trent Water opened with a detailed explanation of regulation, adoption, government targets and a nature-based approach, citing the Green Plan in Mansfield as an innovative example to reduce flood risk.
Mott MacDonald Bentley’s Daniel Buxton followed with a focus on “our most precious resource”, the heavily energy-intensive antiquated flush process desperately in need of modernisation and the importance decarbonising this process.
Andrew Booth of East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) spoke about the policies ELDC adopts within its large rural/coastal region, using a collaborative approach and encouraging the formal pre-application process and early intervention with developers.
Becky Phillips-Melhuish, of Lincolnshire County Council, focused on sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and their role in creating functional, community-centred water assets.
David Singleton, of DSA Environment & Design, introduced the CAPE (clear, accessible, playful, engaging) approach for making water management integral within high-quality urban design.
The discussion concluded with a Q&A session, emphasising early intervention, regulatory support and collaborative efforts.