Interserve workers trial a new social distancing warning system
The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has removed a requirement for face-to-face contact to be kept to 15 minutes or less in its latest Site Operating Procedures.
Version four of the guidance, published today (19 May), responds to what the CLC called “minimal” changes in government guidance on working safely during coronavirus for construction and other outdoor work.
It is not clear why the rule has been removed but the guidance still stresses the need to maintain 2m social distancing “wherever possible” and still recommends using back-to-back or side-to-side working. The CLC has been contacted for more information on why the rule was removed.
Other changes include new links to the latest government guidance on face coverings in the section on PPE, as well as references to one-way systems and the configuration of seating and tables and an update on portable toilets.
There has also been clarification on when to travel to work, as set out in the government’s Covid-19 Recovery Strategy and updated wording and links on social distancing.
The new version of the guidance can be downloaded here.