A new code and guidance that aim to drive higher standards in the presentation of construction product information following the Grenfell Tower disaster have been launched.
The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI), code guidance and a manufacturer information pack come in response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.
The code, which has been developed by the Construction Products Association’s (CPA) Marketing Integrity Group following an industry-wide consultation, aims to make product information clear, up-to-date, accessible and unambiguous.
It also aims to eradicate “disingenuous marketing practices” and misleading product information, so that specifiers, architects, consultants and contractors, as well as the end users of the building, can trust the information provided by manufacturers.
The code has 11 clauses covering aspects from responsibility for product information to transparency of information regarding performance, proof of stated claims, and general information and competency. An independent and validation process is being put in place to underpin the code.
In addition, a Preparing for the Code information pack has been published today to help manufacturers gain an understanding of the code and prepare for the verification journey.
Registration for verification will open towards the end of 2021, supported by detailed guidance. Organisations can register their interest now to receive updates ahead of the launch of verification.
Management of the published code and its verification has been handed over from the Construction Products Association to Construction Product Information Ltd (CPI Ltd) – a not-for-profit organisation with independent governance and management being set up to administer the CCPI by the Considerate Constructors Scheme.
Amanda Long, chief executive of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and Construction Product Information, said: “The code should be a priority for all involved with construction product manufacturing. By focusing on culture, leadership and ethics the Code for Construction Product Information will build trust and is a progressive step towards ensuring that building safety is a priority for those responsible for the provision of construction product information.
“Enabling responsible manufacturers to assure their product information and be recognised for their efforts, the code will support urgent and positive culture and behaviour change in the industry ahead of regulation.”