Modular construction specialist Go Modular has craned pre-fabricated homes into a former Bristol nightclub, in what is thought to be a UK first.
The 1950s shell of 50 Park Street, which was vacant and in a dilapidated condition when developer Urban Creation bought it in in 2018.

The site was stripped out, removing all the internal floors and walls, before the shell of the building was stabilised with a steel structure ahead of the modular units being lifted in.
Over three nights, from 11 August to 13 August between the hours of 8pm and 5am, nine pre-fabricated apartments were lifted into the site through the open roof into the cleared shell of the building, after having been driven by lorry from a factory in Southampton.

Unusually, the modular units were created in bespoke shapes and sizes to fit into the shell of 50 Park Street.
Jonathan Brecknell, director at Urban Creation, said: “We’re very excited to be taking modular construction to a new level, using a highly innovative approach that could have huge implications for home building in the UK.”
The homes at 50 Park Street will be let to the student market.