
Paul Morrell backs ‘dreamy’ Thames garden bridge with ever-increasing price tag

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  1. What a scandalous waste of taxpayers money, another bauble for London when there are critical infrastructure projects in the rest of the country crying out to be built

  2. This bridge, which is the wrong thing in the wrong place, and no more than a vanity project, shows the power of lobbying.

    A few years on from not requiring any public money and funded entirely by the private sector, already £60m of public money has been committed.

  3. Is this another luxury for London?
    Here in the North West we have been trying for years to have a second transport link across the Mersey (other than the tunnels 18 miles away from the current Runcorn Bridge). We have now been told we can have a second bridge, however, both bridges will be tolled

  4. Have they taken the suggestion of “Green corridors” to the extreme? It’s a great idea but, in the interest of limiting the urban heat island effect, surely it would be much more beneficial to use the money to green and garden other roof top areas around the city.

  5. A great idea of a dream by Joanna, but possibly totally impractical, good value at £60m but pure vanity and a waste of taxpayers money at £175m++ NO! As already stated, there are other public projects crying out for money.

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