Danny McGough, lecturer in BIM at the School of Energy, Construction and Environment, Coventry University, on how its immersive online master’s degree courses could deliver a step up the career ladder.

Danny McGough
One of my friends, a senior manager in Dubai, is facing a big dilemma: he has recruiters scouring the planet but he just can’t find the right talent for his building projects. Construction companies across the world increasingly confront this quandary.
But this dearth may be time for existing professionals to step up. Now, this is where I and my colleagues at Coventry University step in. We have created courses specifically for 100% online learning, to flexibly fit with modern work patterns and family commitments. These aren’t classroom courses that have been swapped online; they are designed by specialists for an immersive and engaging learning experience in an online space.
Our online MSc Construction Management with BIM course has a very strong focus on BIM. Students use real-life scenarios and role play to develop their skillsets. They acquire crucial collaborative capabilities in using several digital construction and communication platforms. Scenario-based learning is a critical tool in preparing for the professional world.
Having seen the fall of several construction empires in recent years, we recognise that a strong understanding of project financials among managers can strengthen foundations of a company. Our online MSc Construction Project & Cost Management course focuses on these skills.
It gives an in-depth understanding of accounting and financial principles and use of financial information to analyse problems. This is perfect for those working in quantity surveying or looking to move into this field.
Our students interact with peers from across the world and share experiences on a platform that is truly social. Each learner receives dedicated academic, technical and pastoral support.
So I hope it will be not long before my friend notices a great tide of skilled professionals coming his way.