
One to watch: Jordan Reid MCIOB

Jordan Reid MCIOB
Jordan Reid MCIOB

The asset manager at property and project finance investment company Kajima Partnerships on his getting into construction and his passion for studying.

Why did you choose construction for a career? What other path might you have taken?

I’ve always been passionate about the built environment. Some interests include: heritage buildings, managing built assets, identifying defects and remediation.

I am currently an asset manager, contract managing the day-to-day operations of two hospitals in the north of England.

It was never my life ambition to do what I do – but I love it, and I cannot imagine doing anything else. If I had taken another path, It would likely have brought me back to a construction-related
career anyway!     

You already have a stellar record as a student and you were Europe rep for Tomorrow’s Leaders at the CIOB Members’ Forum in Sydney. What drives your ambition?

I was fortunate to work full time. My employer allowed me to attend university on day release for my bachelor’s degree. I gained knowledge in my job role while also being a student working towards academic qualifications to match my work-life experience.

After juggling work, studies and home life for several years, I realised I needed to keep pushing my potential and be the best I could be. Reading more, learning more, getting involved, meeting like-minded people and listening to those more experienced. The mindset of never stopping personal development gives me the ambition to keep going.

What do you want to achieve in your career?

As I’m in the early(ish) stages of my career, I don’t have a definitive end goal in mind just yet. I want to be known as a leader within my sector, where my experience and knowledge are recognised and valued.

What do you do in your spare time?

I’m in my final year of a part-time master’s degree, so I spend much of my time studying. I have a long-suffering wife and two lovely children, and I love having family time. I also have a Leeds United season ticket, so my remaining spare time is at a premium.

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