
No gender equality in construction ‘until 2194’

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  1. Gender equality while may be a cause for certain sectors of the population The bulk of the jobs in the Construction Industry are manual, dirt and is hard work This most likely does not appeal to women Also this may be why an increasingly number of young males are not interested Perhaps the more positive approach is increased modular construction built in a factory environment will have a bigger appeal
    Also regardless of sex The prime driving force for a job being give is ability Not a social engineering approach

  2. To ask the obvious: *why* does there need to be gender equality across all industries?

    Are you advocating quotas for certain sectors to force participation of men for example, in nursing, teaching, law, medicine and veterinary science?

    All five are oversubscribed by womenl, so why not start there, given it’s as good a place as any other?

    If that sounds cynical, it will force women into other industries…dominated by men, which is surely what feminists are advocating, isn’t it?

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