
How the industry will vote next week: CM election survey results in full

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  1. Oh dear. Our heads aren’t in the ‘clouds’, they are above the clouds. This helps us see more clearly… and further.

  2. Can’t say I am surprised that architects take a more centre to left view; we have an overarching view of the construction industry as a whole, including the social impacts and responsibilities and are able to consider the wider implications of policy, whereas SME contractors are (rightly) concerned with turning a profit, completing building projects and responding to the fundamental tenets of supply and demand

  3. I always knew that Architects had their heads in the clouds!

  4. I’ m a life long Tory raised in a council house and I cannot believe anyone with an ounce of common sense would vote for anything other than the Tory party. House building sank to the lowest levels under the last Labour government and pensions halved. Who would put Ed Milliband in charge of a village fete stall let alone a country.

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