
CSCS shake-up “builds image of the industry”

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  1. I do not like paying for your cscs card and the book. Why should one I have my C&G with craft as a carpenter/joiner. In the past I have self/built two houses with arch/certs. It’s money for the building federation. If it was Govt. legislation then yes.

  2. Self employed subbie, 30 years in suspended ceilings and partitioning. I can only get a red temporary card, valid for 6 months then I have to pay to get assesed for a job I’ve been doing for 30 years to get an NVQ, no grandfathers rights. No thought at all for the older subbie, rip off Britain again !

  3. Whoever devised this is making money. I’m looking to get a new card, the prices are so unreal who is going to do something about it. By the time we’re finished it will be costing a fortune to renew cards it’s becoming a money making racket and who gets it)

  4. Used to get well paid general operative jobs now they have just deleted that card title so that is operatives are put on labourers rate.

  5. I learned all my carpentry on boats and small sites in the West Country over thirty years on and off. I am quite skilled but not properly qualified. After a period of studying music and education I now realize that carpentry is what i do best. how do I proceed to get qualified affordably? I worked on a site for a month recently and found that some of the qualified chippies did some pretty shoddy work…

  6. I have been a qualified joiner for over 40 years, received ULCI equivalent to city and guilds in joinery and plumbing at college in 1967, still cant get a card for site without NVQ. I know more about joinery than the people that so called access you to do the job, Its a complete joke. Cant get a job on site without a card and cant get accessed without a job.

  7. Dear Sir,
    I’m a chartered member of the CIOB and need to get a CSCS card.
    Can you please advise how best I can achieve this.

  8. Just another way to make money and fleece the construction worker and make life more difficult than it already is , for hard-pressed construction workers

  9. I really cannot believe that anyone with any sense sees yet more new CSCS cards adding value or increasing skill levels. The text says it all, allegedly, we are to tighten the criteria, the skill level will be just 1, but the tests do not exist. Hang on though, we have to assess workers first to see if their existing skills allow them to enter the pre-assessment training (an opportunity for a level minus 1 test perhaps, only £20 folks). BUT here we are, the learning hours are “Notional” and employers training programmes or a CITB safety course could be “mapped” as an alternative route to the so called qualification. You really could not make up this farce. Professional members should be horrified at what is happening to this industry. I know I am. A plague on all your houses and please stick the cards where the monkey places his nuts. What he has down there is about as much use to this industry as these idiot cards are. Other than insurance companies and those that get paid to run the courses, what prats think they are of any real value?

  10. I am MCIOB what is the best way to obtain a Professionally Qualified CSCS card?

  11. I have had foriegn workers turn up at site with insufficient understanding of English to fully comprehend site rules and safety details.
    The tests should not be translated, if the student does not understand such a simple test, then they should be failed.

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