
CITB details new training and grants model

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  1. Since recently passing the CITB test and obtaining the CSCS card for the first time in my 18 year career and being currently unemployed, I am not familiar on the current system on how Employers can check the training needs of their Employees. However, I have been led to believe and understand the whole purpose of the CSCS smart card is to hold information on the card itself on the cardholder’s skills, qualifications, experience and training requirements.

  2. What will the cost of the move from Bircham Newton be in total and where will the realistic plant training now take place?

    People have trained for the Construction Industry at BN since 1964 successfully
    but not neccessarily cost effectivley but the industry itself does not wish to pay for this training anyway, they just wish to hire and off-hire suitable skilled labour as and when needed with no training input from themselves if possible.

    The family firms who were the backbone of the industry and trained apprentices
    have past into the history books, or been aquirred by Carillion type organisations and dissapeared eventually.owing money.

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