CIOB rewards hard work with certification.
On 30 June 2017 20 newly appointed Fellows, 46 Members, and their guests attended a Recognition of Achievement Awards ceremony at the Clothworkers’ Hall in London. Also in attendance were representatives from two new Chartered Building Companies and Training Partnerships who received their company certificates.
Immediate CIOB Past President Paul Nash FCIOB and CIOB Chief Executive Chris Blythe OBE officiated at the ceremony and presented certificates.
Congratulations to all recipients on their achievement.
New Fellows
Oluwafela Ajayi; John Birch; Dannie Bonner; Antony Bradbury; Sarah Davis; Rebecca De Cicco; Jeremy De Swarte; Jean Duprez MBE; Derek Humphreys; David Jameson; David Kirkwood; Matthew Lee; Sean Marshall; Patrice Okaro; Robert Rushworth; Matthew Sellars; David Sershall; Mustafa Ulla; Gary Weir; Charmaine Young CBE.
New Members
Joseph Ayre; James Banaszak; Kelly Biddle; Dominic Bucknor; Thomas Burton-Chambers; John Callahan; Richard Charlesworth; Marian Cioara; David Collins; Simon Cook; Craig D’Ovidio; Martin Driscoll; Kevin Elstub; Lee Fazal; Dean Gay; Pooja Godhania; Paul Greenhalgh; Charles Harvey; Christopher Hickman; Julian Hoe; Tim Holden; Thomas Inglis; Sion Jones; Cecile Karouby; Andy Kershaw; Ruslan Khisamutdinov; Richard Langley; Noel McCarville; Philip McDonnell; Raymond Magarahan; Gareth Miller; Andrew Mullholland; Patrick Olorunfemi; Charles Osimen; Nicholas Parish; Sarah Parker; Andrew Robb; Charles Roberts; Tony Robinson; Joseph Ross; Terry Rowe; Kenneth Stevenson; Alexander Thornton; Robert Widdowson; Barry Williams; Paul Wood.
New Chartered Building Companies and Training Partnerships
Nicolas Cuffe FCIOB; Richard Sachs MCIOB; Ben Oxland and Graham Heffer from Colmar Construction (Poole) Ltd; Mustafa Ulla FCIOB and Matthew Sellars FCIOB from Coniston Ltd.
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