Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) on the criteria for safe construction vehicle journeys.
Did you know that three times more people die from collisions with HGVs than from accidents within site hoardings?
Over 500 pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are killed or seriously injured every year on GB roads in collisions with HGVs, most of which are servicing construction projects.
Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) is a national campaign to ensure the safest construction vehicle journeys. It is led by progressive regulators, clients, contractors, fleet operators and professional bodies that recognise the benefits of raising industry standards. Together they have developed a national industry standard that uses influence and information and strives to achieve:
- zero collisions between constructionvehicles and the community;
- improved air quality and reduced emissions;
- fewer vehicle journeys; and
- reduced reputational risk.
Ensuring the safest journeys
The CLOCS Standard sets out requirements expected of key stakeholders for a construction project. These include:
- Ensure potential impact on the community is properly risk assessed.
- Develop and/or implement the agreed Construction Logistics Plan (CLP).
- Procure site and fleet operations that comply to the CLOCS Standard.
- Ensure the safest fleet operations, including “last mile” routing, stable loading/unloading areas, effective delivery management systems and competent site access traffic marshals.
- Ensure effective and efficient site access gate checks of HGVs.
- Ensure effective independent monitoring of compliance with the CLOCS Standard and appropriate action taken to address non-compliance.
- Review all collisions resulting in harm that occur on associated journeys – ensure actions to prevent recurrence.

Left: Types of vulnerable road users killed or seriously injured in collisions involving HGVs in 2017. Right: Vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists) in collision with HGVs
Most good sites already incorporate many CLOCS requirements but there are some challenges. For example:
Traffic marshals are vital to monitoring compliance, yet this role often lacks status and investment in training. The CLOCS competency framework is useful to identify any skills gap. Download now from https://bit.ly/2JXkyZm to
complete a self-assessment. If you need help in addressing any shortfalls, contact CLOCS for support.
Procurement of compliant fleet operations can be difficult where supply is limited due to lack of customer demand. Case studies demonstrate that the commercial benefits of implementing good practice significantly outweigh investment. Consistent demand will drive supply and benefits for all parties.
Cost of inaction
How much do you think a fatal or serious accident costs? Answer: £2.3m. This example is a 24-year-old female cyclist who sustained a below-the-knee amputation of her right leg – an office worker earning £27,000 net per year, able to return to work and requiring moderate care and prosthetics for life. This insured sum doesn’t account for uninsured impact on family, driver, witnesses or reputational damage to a business.
The power of positive action
The incidence of fatal injury in construction workers fell from 154 in 1990 to 32 in 2016. So, we know positive action does work. Where CLOCS is implemented we’ve seen a significant reduction in casualty rate too – but we need more positive action across the country. Become a CLOCS Champion today.
Contact [email protected] or call 0118 920 7204.
Main image: Claudiodivizia/Dreamstime.com