
Contractors need to start dialogue with architects

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  1. Isn’t the end game here simply more collaboration and integration?

    Frequently client teams produce designs that are over budget. The contractor winning the tender is then the bearer of bad news! Value Engineering follows on which is never satisfactory, results in compromise and leaves a bad taste.

    Designing to cost, rather than costing after the event is key, and is one of the strands of good Design Management. Sad to say it is mainly contractors that see the need for Design Managers. Few architects really get the procurement and construction processes.

    It is time for a shake up of roles and disciplines, and a breaking of the traditional silos and tribes. Education and training need to change too.

    We must move towards a more integrated and collaborative style of procurement,

    I just think in evolutionary terms we need to change, and the industry will – its inevitable, it has to. Its just a question whether we will evolve to still be part of it!

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