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Machine control: the key to future-proofing construction

Machine control
 Machine control can help to avoid rework and enhance efficiency

Machine control, once used to improve machine and technology efficiency, can help construction overcome some of its pressing challenges.

Although the benefits of machine control have often centred around automation and boosting efficiency, much of its potential for construction remains unlocked. Properly deployed, it can help address some of the industry’s most difficult problems.

Achieving sustainability goals

As the construction sector’s sustainability efforts continue to be placed under the spotlight, professionals across the built environment – which produces almost half (47%) of global CO2 emissions – are consistently looking at ways in which to contribute positively to this huge challenge.

Research from Topcon found that 67% of professionals agree that the industry will be net zero by 2050, and machine control will play a key role in achieving it.

Through its ability to enhance both accuracy and efficiency, machine control can ensure that reworks are avoided, leading to a reduced need for more materials and products – often the culprit of the sector’s notably high carbon footprint. Today, a more accurate and efficient industry is a more sustainable one.

Bridging the skills gap

As the skills gap continues to widen, the construction sector in particular needs solutions and technologies that support and encourage growth.

Our research shows that 30% of management consider the widening skills gap and labour shortages as one of the most serious challenges facing construction projects. However, 77% of those surveyed agreed that machine control is set to play a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by the skills gap.

Although variations exist across Europe, and certain countries are feeling the brunt of the skills gap more than others, addressing this challenge will be unavoidable.

Automating workflows

In addition to the skills gap, 28% of respondents to our survey mentioned the management of complex project data as a challenge for the sector. This rises to almost half (46%) for those aged between 25-34.

Machine control and its ability to automate workflows and processes can offer the support needed by this next generation of construction professionals. Digitalisation is a crucial step in the development of construction and can ensure that careers across the sector remain attractive and accessible to all.

You can read Topcon’s Future of Machine Control report at

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