
The surreal side of BIM

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  1. No software program or electronic data cloud widget can ensure success on a construction project. Success can only come from experienced, trained and motivated individuals working together. If our industry is really going to advance, young people must enter the business at all tiers: public works, designers, craft labor, constructors, construction managers, facility managers; they must be given the opportunity to earn a good wage for earning competency in their skills to support their families, companies must be allowed to earn a profit equal to the risks they accept. We will not advance the industry until primary and secondary school educators teach that we are a worthy profession at all tiers

  2. I agree totally with Will, we have to produce good skilled operatives before you can build anything. The industry has been totally let down by the CITB and BIM is a non starter until we have competent designers who have practical knowledge and experience, I meet Architects who never properly walk around a building site.

  3. Peter Gracia has said all that needs to be said about BIM in his last paragraph. When are we going to realise that no computer programme or system will drive the change needed in our industry and it is indeed naïve to imagine it will do so. We need more people with Peter’s understanding to stand up and say so. This is a people industry, lead them well and we may have a chance to change, rely on computer systems and we are, as history dictates, doomed to probable failure. Invest in leadership, not systems.

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