Contractors will be able to open construction sites until 9pm from Monday to Saturday for the next 12 months, under new government plans.
Build UK shared more details about housing secretary Robert Jenrick’s announcement yesterday that site opening hours for housebuilders would be made more flexible to let them get back to work while accommodating social distancing measures to limit the spread of coronavirus.
The trade body said that local authorities in England had been instructed not to refuse requests from contractors to extend site hours for the next year. In some cases, such as in areas without residential properties, 24-hour working may be justified.
Requests should be made to the local planning authority which should aim to issue a decision within 10 working days.
Short-term or modest increases to working hours may be agreed informally, whereas longer term or more significant changes will require a formal application in the usual way and the government has published FAQs with further information.
Meanwhile, new government guidance has confirmed that general home improvements can now be undertaken in new and existing homes, such as fitting new kitchens and redecorating. Anyone working in people’s homes should follow the latest government guidance, Working safely during coronavirus (covid-19), which is aligned to the Construction Leadership Council’s Site Operating Procedures, Build UK said.