
Kier tracks spend in deprived communities

A Kier worker in an orange hi-vis jacket and white hard hat stands on a site with a red excavator in the background.
Image courtesy of Kier

Kier has launched a new tool to track its spend in areas of social deprivation across the UK.

The tool, known as Local Multiplier 3 (LM3), has been developed by the New Economics Foundation. Kier said it would aid its ability to show and improve how it is supporting communities. 

LM3 measures Kier’s spend in areas of with high levels of deprivation as defined by the Office of National Statistics. With the tool, Kier can track its local spend and also show the number of suppliers it has worked with.

Demonstrating social value

Demonstrating a contribution to social value has been a key part of local and central government procurement for public sector suppliers since the Social Value Act was passed in 2012. And the government’s Public Procurement Notice 06/20 (PPN 06/20) embeds this even further.

Lisa Sanders, head of social sustainability at Kier Group, said: “LM3 allows us to visually demonstrate the very real impact we are having through the projects we are delivering.

“Working with the New Economics Foundation, LM3 is a first for the construction industry and will help us achieve our social purpose of tackling inequality. This tool allows us to better allocate our spend, to positively impact areas with the highest levels of deprivation across the UK.”

Adam Wilkinson, CEO at LM3 Online, said: “Working with Kier to design and build this tool will positively impact the communities that need investment the most.”

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