and David Gower OBE (Image: Gavin Sawyer)
Maidstone Hub chair Oma Megbele MCIOB welcomed guests including CIOB vice-president Paul Gandy FCIOB to this year’s CIOB Maidstone Construction Professionals’ Dinner.
The Marriott Tudor Park Country Club, just outside Maidstone, was the setting for this year’s event.
The dinner, held in March, was attended by companies and construction professionals
from across a range of disciplines throughout Kent and the south-east.
Magicians Rob Neal and Neil Granger provided entertainment and the after-dinner speaker
was former England cricketer David Gower OBE.
The event was sponsored by BAM Construct UK, Coniston, Chartway Civil Engineers, Quigg Golden and DGA Group (part of TSA Management).
Finalists for the CIOB Maidstone Emerging Talent and Motivational Leader Awards were celebrated, and the results were announced during the evening.
Award sponsorship and judging came from Baxall and GVE Commercial Solutions. The event also raised over £2,600 for the Lighthouse Club in a raffle with prizes donated by companies attending the dinner.