A new interactive careers portal which helps users “map out where they are going and how to get there”, will be rolled out to 3,000 members of the CIOB next month on a trial basis. If successful, it will be extended to the wider membership.
The new website has been developed by the CIOB in conjunction with careerinnovation.com. The Institute has provided information specific to the construction industry to produce a bespoke version of the careers tool.
Saul Townsend, head of communications for the CIOB, said: “The portal will provide all kinds of advice for both employees and employers — ranging from the basic things like how to ask for a pay rise and write a CV, to interactive tools that allow you to ask questions on how to develop your career and achieve a good work life balance.”
The member group selected for the trial of the new service are likely to be those on concessionary rates. This includes members who have experienced redundancy or other setbacks, or students looking for their first jobs, in both the UK and Ireland. “We hope people will find it useful, and that it inspires performance and nurtures talent,” says Townsend.
Rosemary McLean, practice leader of careerinnovation.com, said: “The portal has been going for 12 years, and mainly we have worked with employers such as Unilever and GlaxoSmithKline that want to develop their employees. “Last year we developed a brand new platform, CiZone2.0, to be more attractive to younger users, which the bespoke site for the CIOB is based on. It also includes videos they are creating and will link to other resources available elsewhere.”
Resources on the site include:
Career Healthcheck, based on evidence about the things that help people achieve career satisfaction and success. Users complete a short questionnaire and receive an output report plus recommended actions and resourcesto help increase their career “agility” in seven areas.
CareerPulse — an approach based on describing scenarios of real situations people face — then provide a careful selection of resources to help them think through these scenarios.
Interactive tools, information pages, downloadable guides and checklists.