
HyperTunnel robot tunnelling tech heads for UK rail sector

The breakthrough process builds up to 10 times faster

HyperTunnel has signed a deal allowing AmcoGiffen exclusive use of its breakthrough robot tunnelling construction tech in the UK rail sector.

AmcoGiffen has an exclusive distributor agreement with UK-based HyperTunnel allowing it to use the swarm construction process that can build tunnels up to 10 times faster and at half the cost of traditional methods.

HyperTunnel demonstrated the tech last year at its R&D facility in the North Hampshire Downs. The process involves sending HyperBot robots into the ground via an arch of HDPE pipes that then 3D-print the tunnel in the ground.

AmcoGiffen operations director Dave Thomas said: “We are convinced that the future of maintaining underground structures lies in robotics and automation.

“AmcoGiffen is equipped and ready to partner with HyperTunnel to pioneer its approaches in the UK rail sector while being fully aware of the challenges that may lie ahead for an early adopter of such exciting technology.”

Steve Jordan co-chief executive of HyperTunnel said: “It is a win-win – our products are commercially ready and in AmcoGiffen we have a partner that will allow us to get robots into the ground quickly and prove the HyperTunnel method in an unforgiving commercial and operational environment.” 

The agreement covers digital twins, robotics, 3D-printing and digital underground surveying supported with artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

Under the deal, AmcoGiffen will be able to use this technology for all enhancements, repair, rehabilitation and monitoring of underground spaces, slopes and track bed infrastructure, including stabilisation and water management.  

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