
HS2 urged to learn from French high speed rail ‘clause sociale’

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  1. Fantastique! Similar initiatives have been in place for Welsh funded projects for some years, with differing outcomes but mostly positive. It can be done as this illustrates, but needs real investment and to challenge perceptions.

  2. I have travelled extensively on French railways (and around the world). The system in France shows what can be achieved with taxpayers money being ringfenced for public transport. The trains are clean, fast modern (air conditioned), cheap and regular.

  3. If public money is used to build HS2 then it should focus on providing public benefits beyond the railway itself. So following the model outlined above should be encouraged, whilst the establishment of the HS2 college should be supported by industry at large as it could in the future provide and develop skills we can export across the world.

  4. Seems like another example of the French limiting competition and avoiding EU tendering requirements!

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