
High-ranking judge heads Multiplex hospitals inquiry

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  1. Just my 2c worth. Typically today engineers and designers tend to be employed on their ability to use a particular CAD system and less so on whether or not they are skilled engineers. I tend to also think that engineers are not encouraged to speak out on contracts when they may find anomalies in client specifications.
    Engineers of my generation had complete focus on design and were encouraged to speak out where conflict of spec was identified. In my opinion, BIM was supposed to minimize those sorts of issues but again this has spiraled out of control and engineers now are typically bogged down in procedures and admin tasks that only serve to detract from the business of achieving good design.
    I should note this is a general opinion and may not be specific to these particular contracts.

  2. I also believe that the Procurement Process with such projects does not help create “linked up design”. On D&B procurement the integration of information is passed to the contractor, rather than it was in the “good old days” when the architect, the healthcare planner and the technical team worked through months of workshops creating designs that had been thoroughly considered.

    I also agree with Mr. H Thomson that more standards in employment should be on the skill of coordinating design rather than “banging out a bit” package that in fact is probably less coordinated than the good old days of face to face workshops. (again my personal opinion)

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