Image: Dreamstime
The government has published what it calls a “clarified version” of Approved Document B – the part of the Building Regulations that relates to fire safety.
The new version has been simplified, using more plain English, in a bid to make it easier for building owners to follow and understand the requirements to avoid any misinterpretations.
The move follows a consultation last year by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), which received over 1,300 comments on a draft version.
Among the changes in the revised Approved Document B is clarified guidance for external walls to ensure that building owners understand the current requirements for buildings under 18m and the guidance relating to fire spread over the external (Section 10 in Vol. 1 and Section 12 in Vol. 2).
The clarified document also brings together guidance for flats and houses under the same volume.
A spokesperson for MHCLG said: “This refreshed text provides clear guidance for building owners to ensure they meet our regulations so there is no misunderstanding of their responsibility for residents’ safety.”
“We will shortly set out our next steps for the guidance following our call for evidence last year.”