The CIOB Academy is staging two new courses this month for those keen on building their contract knowledge.
The ability to administer the terms of a contract is a fundamental part of any construction project as most contractors experience contractual difficulties and issues at some time or another.
Contractors need the knowledge and skills related to contract provisions and record keeping in relation to the scope of the project, and the client’s key drivers. They also need to know how the provisions of the building contract apply to a given project.
Contract Administration & Awareness for Contractors is a one day course designed to simplify those contractual issues, make them understandable and accessible for the staff of the contractor, and to provide best practice in contract administration for any given project.
The course will use JCT contracts as a back drop, however, the good practices discussed are industry standard and the principles can be applied to most other forms of contract.
JCT 2016 Design & Build for Contractors is another one day classroom course designed to provide detailed knowledge of employer requirements, contractual risks, the rules for valuing changes, and the obligations you are under during contract delays. You will also cover loss and expense recovery, and dispute resolution and avoidance.
Both classes are led by Tony Ward FCIOB from Award Consulting Ltd. Tony is a fellow of RCIS, CIOB and member of CIArb with over 30 years experience as a Surveyor and Contract Consultant.
He is the founder and managing director of Award Consulting Ltd and enthusiastic and experienced trainer in contractual matters.
The Contract administration course takes place on 5 April and 26 June in London. The JCT course takes place in London on 11 April. Both courses cost £295 + VAT.
For more details and to book visit www.ciobacademy.org
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