A free app to improve skills among UK construction subcontractors has been launched this week.
The Construction Upskill app aims to remove challenges such as time constraints and lack of access to computers and is open to all.
The app has been developed through the Innovation Driven Procurement (IDP) programme and is backed by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).
Experts from Nottingham Trent University and Morgan Sindall Construction designed it to be user-friendly, easy to use on-the-go, and with bite-sized pieces of training.

The app offers an alternative way to access the 20-minute modules already created by the IDP. The modules have formal CPD accreditation and are also available online on the Supply Chain Sustainability School portal.
Emmanuel Manu, associate professor of the School of Architecture Design and the Built Environment at Nottingham Trent University, said: “We are moving away from the belief that knowledge and ideas ‘trickle down’ from those in senior positions and instead offering an opportunity for everyone on site to realise the importance of all ideas being valuable to help increase efficiencies.
“This will strengthen the working relationships between all parties, enabling the development of better onsite processes and business solutions for improved productivity and profitability, helping to encourage innovation to solve on-site and business challenges.”
Modules include: working in an environment where behaviours are supportive of collaboration; identifying and resolving issues that can slow down site progress; collaborating to ensure early access to accurate drawings and other design information; and recognising areas of innovation that can add value.